
ߴý is CLOSED, Feb. 4, 2025

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 6:30am — ߴý’s campuses are CLOSED on Feb. 4 due to heavy snowfall and challenging road conditions being reported throughout the region. All classes and services will be closed for the day.

Students and employees are encouraged to stay warm, keep safe and avoid travel if possible.

Please check the college website (camosun.ca) or follow the college on social media for the latest information:

• Facebook: facebook.com/ߴýCollege/
• Instagram: instagram.com/camosun/
• X (Twitter): x.com/camosun

Visit the college website for a more in-depth overview of campus closure protocols in the event of adverse weather.

Fred Hemus & Marjorie Peters Advanced Composition Award

For the outstanding work of a student in a second-year composition class.

Award at a glance


Dollar value




Open Date

January 1, 2025


April 16, 2025


All students


ߴý English department

Number of Awards


Award description

This award is for the outstanding work of a student in a second year composition class. The submission displays not only excellent writing ability but also a bold infusion of personal style. The work should impress with its professionalism as well as its ability to sustain the interest of the reader. 

This award was established to honour the memory of Fred Hemus and Marjorie Peters.



You must:

  • be enrolled in a second year composition class during the current offering or academic calendar year.
  • Students must submit an application and attach their work as a pdf, and please double-space that work. Please omit your name from this document, but add your student number (C number) into the header of each page of the document. Submit only work that has been written for an English class at ߴý during the appropriate academic year.



If you have any further questions, please contact your instructor, call 250-370-3298 or email artsci@camosun.ca

Thank you to our donor

Thanks Donor

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