Electronics and Computer Engineering Bridge to the University of Victoria
Start in January
Students with an approved diploma in Computer, Electrical or Electronics Engineering Technology, or a related discipline, can take this one-year program to upgrade their mathematics, sciences, and related engineering knowledge in preparation for entering the third year of Engineering at the University of Victoria.
In demand
As an electrical or computer engineer, you’ll be trained in designing, developing, operating, maintaining and researching power distribution systems, automotive systems, communications systems, medical systems and a huge variety of electricity-dependent products and systems, ranging from tiny consumer products to alternative energy sources to huge hydroelectric dams.
Industry professionals and educators agree—the combination ofa technology diploma and engineering degree creates the most desirable type of engineer.
You will gain both hands-on experience with practical applied skills and an excellent knowledge of advanced engineering courses
The only program of its kind
The Electronics and Computer Engineering Bridge to the University of Victoria program is offered by ߴý with the cooperation of the .
The Engineering Bridge programs at ߴý are unique and recognized across Canada as an excellent transition from a technology diploma to an Engineering degree (UVic) or Applied Science degree (UBC).
The Electronics and Computer Engineering Bridge to the University of Victoria program is offered in the Winter and Fall semesters for entry into the third year of Engineering at the University of Victoria in January.
Although the Bridge programs are designed for graduates of technology diplomas delivered through ߴý,all graduates from accredited(TAC)programs are welcome to apply.
Hands on learning
An internship work term is optional for this program.
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