
ߴý’s campuses are OPEN, Wednesday, Feb. 5

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 6:30 a.m. — ߴý’s campuses are OPEN today. Classes and services are scheduled to run as planned.

Grounds crew have been working at Lansdowne and Interurban to spread salt and sand on parking lots, roadways and main walkways as conditions are icy. Please allow extra time when commuting, dress warmly and stay on cleared paths.

ߴý will continue to provide further updates in the event that the weather changes. Please check the college website (camosun.ca) or follow the college on social media for the latest information:

• Facebook: facebook.com/ߴýCollege/
• Instagram: instagram.com/camosun/
• X (Twitter): x.com/camosun

Visit the college website for a more in-depth overview of campus closure protocols in the event of adverse weather.

Women's Basketball 2014-2015

ߴý currently fields teams in basketball, volleyball and golf. Since joining the CCAA and PACWEST conferences in 1994, the Chargers have competed in over 100 national and provincial championships with over 50 medal winning finishes. Our student-athletes carry a proud tradition of scholarship and have earned hundreds of awards in recognition of their achievements in academics and athletic performance.

Coaching Staff

Head Coach,Carl MacDonald;Assistant Coach,Walter Fields,Wes Pascoe,Tim Carlson,Dallas Lansdell;Strength and Conditioning Coach,Adam Kleeberger;Head Athletic Therapist,Matt Lumsdaine;Student Athletic Therapist,Akira Yasuda;Navnita Gautam.

Head Coach, Carl McDonald

Home Town: Guelph, ON


  • Level 3 NCCP Certified
  • MA – Conflict Analysis and Management

Coaching Experience

  • 2014-Present Head Coach ߴý Chargers Women's Basketball
  • 2005-2014 Woodland's High School Senior Girls
  • 2006-2007 Woodland's Junior Girls
  • 2005-2006 Woodland's Senior Boys
  • 2003-2005 Dover Bay High School Senior Girls
  • 1999-Present Central Vancouver Island Basketball Elite, Senior & Junior Girls
  • 1999-2004 Basketball BC Regional Teams
  • 1999-2003 Dover Bay High School Junior Girls
  • 1994-Present Athletes in Action Grade 7-10 Boys

Program Development

  • 2005-Present Woodlands High School
  • 1999-2006 Central Vancouver Island Basketball Club
  • 1995-2005 Dover Bay High School

Basketball Camps

  • 2000-Present CVI/Regional District of Nanaimo Beginners Camp
  • 1999-Present Central Vancouver Island Basketball Club
  • 1999-2004 Basketball BC Regional Player ID


Number & NameYearPositionHometownProgram
12 Amy ACHESON2WingVictoria, BCBSFL Sport Man
22 Olivia BAKKER2PostDuncan, BCGeneral Sciences
24 Rachael BAKKER2PostDuncan, BCGeneral Sciences
09 Haley CABRAL1GuardVictoria, BCBusiness Admin
10 Kathryn CANDELL1GuardVictoria, BCGeneral Studies
11 Ali COOPER1PostVictoria, BCBusiness Admin
05 Emma CUNNINGHAM2WingVictoria, BCBSFL Sport Man
04 Ella GOLDSCHMID4GuardVictoria, BCBSFL Ex Well
08 Aija SALVADOR4GuardVictoria, BCDip Ex Well
15 Kate SERVICE1PostNorth Saanich, BCUT
07 Hannah THOMPSON1GuardVictoria, BCGeneral Arts
06 Melissa VAN DYK3PostVictoria, BCBBA Accounting
13 Kelly YOUNG2PostVictoria, BCACBT
RS Marina LOWWingVictoria, BCEarly Learning & Care
RS Michaela WITTEGuardQualicum Beach, BCBAET